
Friday, May 29, 2020


blue tastes like blueberries.
blue the sweet scent of the blue sea.
blue looks like blueberries off a bosh.
blue sounds like the rushing waves of the sea.   

 blue feels like a feather on your back

Thursday, May 21, 2020

what i will tell my children about lock down

When I was younger we had to go into lock down for 2 months 7 weeks and only one person from your house could go to the supermarket. When they went to the supermarket they had to wear a mask and gloves. When was in lock down I was     with my mum, dad and sister. I was so so so so so so scared and sad because I couldn't see my friends.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The cat

The cat
The cat is fat
The cat is black
The cat is a fat black cat 

My playlist

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Space Cat

The space cat

One day there was a cat that always wanted to go to space. It’s name was Space Cat. One day it brought a three story rocket ship. That day the cat packed his bags and hopped onto the rocket ship and blasted off. Space Cat counted down “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1” and off he went into space.

On the way to space he was thinking that he should make a planet that only has cats on it.

When he got to space he got out of the rocket ship and made a planet with 10 cats, 5 stars, 1 whisker, 9 balls of fire

and 1 big fluffy cat. After that he mixed it all

together, climbed into the rocket ship and turned

the rocket ship around. He went 60 meters away from it and then a planet started to appear. After that cats started to appear on the planet so he flew down and went onto the planet. There were cats everywhere, even underground. There were cats in pots, trees and even in pools. They were crazy! Then Space Cat hopped back into his rocket ship’ and went back home. A few years later Space Cat went back to space. On to the planet that he made when he was there he thought that he should live there so he did.

By Jessica

Friday, May 1, 2020


It is a time to remember the people who died in the war.
Anzac day is the anniversary of the landing of the 

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli during World War 1 in 1915.